Monday, February 5, 2007

29. Kit and the Widow

Imagine Tom Lehrer and Noel Coward doing a show together and you'll have a decent understanding of Kit and the Widow. Their appearance at Joe's Pub ("the performance mecca for Londoners"), was met by a smattering of the elderly and homosexuals, some of who fit into both groups. While the comedy is a bit dry — it is British after all — there's nothing like hearing a performer say to an audience member after a sing-along: "You have quite a useful baritone, madam." Highlight: a musical jab at Joan Rivers in "Old Woman Rivers," sung to the tune of the Kern and Hammerstein classic. The coup de théâtre was the finalé, a cue-card performance of "Nessun dorma" sung in Punjabi. Their version of the language, however, was a mish-mash of menu items from an Indian restaurant. Who knew Vindaloo could easily stand-in for "Vincero!" ?