I don't know which president Frank Langella thinks he's mimicking in "Frost/Nixon" but it surely isn't our 37th. At times, the characterization seems a bit other worldly, and in some moments, it sounds like he's channeling Walter Cronkite. That isn't to say his performance is bad — it's quite the opposite. There was only one obvious moment when he completely lost character on Monday night and did his usual effete gesticulation ... during a drunk scene in which Nixon phones David Frost late on the eve of their final interview. With hand raised, palm facing the audience and hip cocked to one side, Langella assumed his typical heroic poet stance as if to say, "here comes the nut" of this entire evening. Peter Morgan's play is overall quite good, but is burdened by an obnoxious tendency to have secondary characters interrupt the action to announce "And this is the moment when we knew Nixon had crumbled" and "Now we've past the point of no return." Duh!
But regardless... I welcome this production with open arms. Bring it on, Donmar!!! I want more.