God I hate teal. It brings back awful memories of holding court at my aunt's wedding way back in the 80s. She chose that putrid color for the bridesmaid dresses and in typical Midwestern fashion the cumberbunds and bow ties were chosen to match. Blech. So it goes without any further explanation that you can't dress up a diva in teal and expect her to look good. Especially when they're teal SEQUINS. Especially when she famously lost a TON of weight. Especially when she's Deborah Voigt. Poor thing needs to re-prove herself to the world since everyone is constantly in disagreement about the "new" voice, but what she really needs to worry about is who is choosing those trashy garments. The voice is still there and still fabulous.
The production isn't as bad as one might suppose, after looking at some photos. But do go to hear Fabio Luisi's excellent command of the Met Orchestra. His hands are dipped in gold.