Michelle Matlock's 55-minute lecture on racist stereotypes (namely that of the fat black matron known as "Mammy" to anyone who has ever sat through all 14 hours of "Gone With The Wind") is meant to dispel the presence of that image in American pop culture. Interpersing historical tidbits about Nancy Green — the first "Aunt Jemima" spokes-model — and a hip hop examination of the minstrel show in the context of American music alongside her own personal monologue about being typecast as a maid, Matlock pulls all sorts of theatrical tricks from under her oversized apron, when all I really wanted her to do was stand on stage and scream: "I'm black as hell and I won't take it anymore!" But is she effective? Yes. However, a few hours later I'm still humming the tune to "Mammy's little baby want short'nen short'nen. Mammy's little baby want short'nen bread." Now THERE'S a catchy tune.
Ticket fee: $4.50