Rudnick has written an uproarious comedy that also happens to be heartfelt and political. Seeing Sian Phillips and Christine Baranski on stage together is itself a draw, but throw Jackie Hoffmann's perfect timing into the mix and you're in for a great time.
Favorite exit line, uttered by Baranksi (who plays a wealthy UES socialite) as she tosses a fur stole over her shoulder: "This poor animal was tortured, mutilated, and killed. The least we can do is give it a night out."
An observation: One guaranteed advantage of seeing performances at any of the big three non-profit theater companies in town (MTC, LCT, or Roundabout), is that if you miss a punchline, it is sure to be repeated by someone in the audience. Thanks, Beltone®!
Ticket price: $26.00