Mike Daisey rose to fame for giving the inside scoop on Amazon.com after the dot-com bubble burst. He's still at the monologue game and has perfected his craft, and some claim he is soon to become this generation's Garrison Keillor. Now Daisey, sitting behind a desk and a pile of yellow loose leaf pages, is lecturing about the MTA subway system, the tragedy of September 11th, and his entrée to NY in 2001 after landing a book deal (owing to his success with the Amazon.com spiel). The excitement of a book deal, he explains, is in the announcement of the deal itself. Everything else is downhill after that, including the second half of this monologue, which he randomly highlights with a turn of a page. The yellow loose leaf piles on the desk serve only as props (and transitory punctuation), since he doesn't rely on them as notes, at least from what I could see from the 10th row. A lack of description of his family members made me care about them not at all, and his thoughts on the Iraq War and current politics bore no revelation.
Ticket fee: $3.00