The first song (written and performed by O'Keefe) was a blathering mess of fragments that he delivered in a spasm of shouts and whines... allthewhile a metronome kept its own time on a stool next to his. It was a lovely metronome... the arm swinging back and forth, back and forth... Twenty minutes of listening to the tick, tock, tick, tock while a man rattled on and on, disturbing our lovely conversation.
The second song was an adaptation of Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself." What an appropriate subject for the self-indulgent Mr. O'Keefe! While he delivers a soothing, baritonial rendition of the Whitman masterpiece, in the end I doubted whether Mr. O'Keefe entirely understood the words he was reciting. I do have to give him credit for his fearlessness with the audience, obstructing their gaze with direct eye contact and occassionally sitting next to them in nearby empty seats (there were many).
Ticket fee: $3.00